When the design is instantly recognisable, a Minecraft skin can be considered to be good. The skin is one of the most detailed you’ll find as well.

You can even spot his sword down to his left hand side. This Minecraft skin perfectly captures the pirate’s disheveled look with his unbutton shirt and his hair kept in place by instantly recognisable red head band. Very few characters are as easily recognisable as Captain Jack Sparrow. Yes, it is Yoshi, not a cartoon crocodile. Due to the size of your characters, it doesn’t make you look a whole lot like the tiny dinosaur but the color is easily distinguishable and facial detail is well designed. The Yoshi Minecraft skin may be one of the strangest looking skins you’ll find. It isn’t just as mass of bright colors though, as you can see the shapes of individual pieces in the skin, with the head piece looking like a helmet a DJ would wear. If there was an award for most vibrant Minecraft skin, it’d undoubtedly go to the Tetris skin. The great design makes it look like his yellow dread-locks are actually flowing from the back of his head.

Lucio’s yellow, blue, and green attire is clear to see but it is his unique hairstyle that stands out. The popular Overwatch character has recently been re-created as a Minecraft skin. The details on the arms and legs of the suit are a little difficult to make out but the helmet and the central Arc Reactor look excellent and differentiate the Iron Man skin from other colored skins. You can pretend to be the yellow and red styled version of the Marvel hero with this skin. The skin even manages to make both the boots and sword stand out. The coloration manages to make the shape of a cat’s face clear and creates the illusion that his famous hat is larger than his head. You’d certainly stand out in Minecraft’s world if you were to use the Puss in Boots skin. Unfotunatley, you won’t be granted the ability to swing between the trees. In Minecraft, the Spiderman skin resembles one of the older suits with a significant amount of lighter blue on its lower half and a black spider symbol on the chest.

Spiderman skins are always popular choices in games that let you switch them up. It’s certainly one of the most detailed and colorful skins available. Ash Ketchum’s red and white hat can clearly be seen on the skin, as well as his famous blue and white jacket. Ash Ketchum – You may not be able to catch Pokemon and battle other trainers in Minecraft, but that doesn’t stop you turning your character into the series’ iconic protagonist.